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How Thyroid Function Affects Menstruation Cycle

Are you feeling tired, sluggish, getting irregular periods, and convinced that you're aging faster than a banana left out in the sun? Before you start stockpiling anti-wrinkle creams and energy drinks, take a closer look at your thyroid gland. You might need thyroid irregular periods treatment.

 This tiny butterfly-shaped organ might be small, but boy, does it pack a punch when it comes to your health. This gland controls your body's metabolism, which means it regulates everything from your heart rate to your energy levels. However, when the thyroid gland goes haywire, it can wreak havoc on a woman’s life, causing a lot of unpleasant symptoms that can leave her feeling exhausted, anxious, and even depressed. Henceforth, it is really important that women must start with thyroid irregular periods treatment before it gives birth to other problems.

Dr Disha Sridhar

I am a Gynaecologist Obstetrician ( MD, DNB OBGYN) with an emphasis on INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE.

Let me tell you women also face other issues like – excess weight gain, hair loss, cold intolerance, digestive issues, brain fog, fertility challenges and more. Often these symptoms are eventually diagnosed as a thyroid condition. This isn’t surprising given the statistic that 1 in 8 women will have some form of thyroid dysfunction throughout their lifetime. Yeah! It’s true!

But that’s not the end of the story, you need to know about the two essential companions of the THYROID gland. They are – thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) which regulate your metabolism. When your thyroid gland doesn’t function properly, it can produce too much or too little of these hormones, leading to a range of symptoms.

What is the Thyroid?

Many glands throughout the body create and release substances that help the body do a specific task. The thyroid gland is located in the front of the neck, wrapped around the windpipe (trachea). As mentioned before, it is shaped like a butterfly, as it has two wings that extend around the side of your throat.

Now, the question arises why we say in our general language “She has a thyroid”, the fact is that it is there in everyone’s body. The concern is when this ‘thyroid’ becomes a ‘thyroid disease.’

What is Thyroid Disease?

A thyroid disease, also known as thyroid disorder is a tricky troublemaker that is quite common in women. It arises when something goes wrong with your thyroid, it can throw your whole system out of whack.

When your thyroid works properly, it constantly makes hormones, releases them and then makes new hormones to replace what’s been used. This helps keep your metabolism functioning and keep all of your body’s systems in check. The number of thyroid hormones in the bloodstream is controlled by the pituitary gland, which is located in the center of the skull below the brain. When the pituitary gland senses either a lack of thyroid hormone or too much, it adjusts its hormone (thyroid stimulating hormone, or TSH) and sends it to the thyroid to balance out the amounts. When the number of thyroid hormones is too high (hyperthyroidism) or too low (hypothyroidism), the entire body is impacted.

Types of Thyroid Disorders

This is an intense topic, and I would love to show light on this as I want all the women out there to dig deep into this. So, here we go:

1. Hypothyroidism: When your body produces low levels of thyroid hormone, it is known as having an underactive thyroid or hypothyroidism.

2. Hyperthyroidism: When your body produces high levels of thyroid hormone, it is known as having an overactive thyroid or hyperthyroidism.

Causes of Hypothyroidism

Though, hypothyroidism can affect people of all ages, genders and ethnicities, it is particularly common among women over 60 years of age. Women who are pregnant or going through the phase of menopause are also likely to develop hyperthyroidism.

The most common cause of hypothyroidism is an autoimmune condition called Hashimoto’s disease, also known as Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. In Hashimoto’s disease, our body’s immune system gets attacked, leading to inflammation and damage. Once, the gland becomes enlarged, the problem of goiter arises. This prevents the thyroid from making and releasing enough thyroid hormone. Women with hypothyroidism may also experience thyroid irregular periods, which can be managed with appropriate thyroid irregular periods treatment.

It is Important to Know the Common Hashimoto’s Triggers:

  • Gluten, dairy and other reactive foods: Super high sugar diet creates issues with the gut.
  •  Toxin exposures: Oral contraceptives and antibiotics and excess estrogen are also associated with thyroid dysfunction.
  •  Stress: Yes! Stress! That’s why I advise women to be easy with life. Over-exhaustion impacts overall hormone imbalances.
  •   Heavy metals: Exposures to mercury have been found in thyroid glands and linked to increased thyroid antibodies.
  •   Difficulty with detoxification: The liver filters your hormones and filters out harmful toxins.

Secondary causes behind hypothyroidism include environmental and lifestyle factors. Genetics can also play a role, where mutations in genes are involved in the development and function of the thyroid gland, as well as genes involved in the production and regulation of thyroid hormones.

Now, Let’s Understand the Symptoms of Hypothyroidism:

  • Feeling tired: One of the most common symptoms of hypothyroidism is feeling worn out. It helps control energy balance and can influence whether you feel ready to nap.
  •  Gaining weight: Unexpected weight gain is another symptom of hyperthyroidism. When thyroid levels are low, metabolism gets low and your body tends to store more calories from the diet.
  •  Feeling cold: In case of hypothyroidism, your metabolic rate gets reduced and thus the amount of heat you generate. That’s why you tend to feel more sensitive than usual.
  •  Muscle aches: Weakness and aches are normal following strenuous activity. But new and especially increasing aching is quite noticeable, and you must book an appointment with your gynecologist.
  •  Hair loss: Like most cells, hair follicles are regulated by thyroid hormone. Due to thyroid disorder, a woman may suffer from hair loss.

Symptoms of Hypothyroidism During Pregnancy:

I also would like to address all the pregnant ladies that if you are suffering from hypothyroidism, blame Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. During this phase, the immune system produces antibodies that mistakenly attack thyroid gland cells.

 If you are facing the following symptoms during pregnancy, it’s a red alert signal and get your thyroid tested, so that you can receive the medication timely.

*Severe constipation

*Difficulty in concentrating

*Memory issues

*Sensitivity to cold temperatures

*Muscle cramps

Now, the question arises does hypothyroidism affect fetus development? The answer is yes, as it entirely depends on the mother for thyroid hormones for normal growth and brain development, and appropriate thyroid irregular periods treatment may be necessary to maintain healthy hormone levels during pregnancy.

During the first few months of pregnancy, the baby relies on the mother for thyroid hormones. These hormones are vital for normal brain development and growth of the baby. Hypothyroidism in the mother can have long-lasting effects on the baby. An untreated hypothyroidism during pregnancy can lead to pre-term labour or miscarriage.

The Affect of Hypothyroidism on Menstruation:

There are several menstrual problems associated with thyroid disorders that impact menstruation, including:

 *Heavy menstrual bleeding: Bleeding that lasts more than seven days, menstrual flow with blood clots as big as a quarter, need to wear more than one pad at a time to control menstrual flow, bleeding that soaks through one or more pads every one or two hours.

 *Frequent menstrual cycle: Menstrual periods stay longer than usual or they occur more than once in a month.

 *Infrequent/Absent menstrual cycle: This situation arises when high TRG levels trigger the pituitary gland (a pea-size organ located at the base of the brain) to release prolactin. Too much prolactin interferes with the ability to produce estrogen. This disturbs the menstrual cycle.

 *Infertility: Since a lack of thyroid hormone prevents ovulation, it makes it difficult for women to get pregnant. It also causes early menopause that occurs before or around the age of 40.

 *Miscarriage: Your body needs a certain level of thyroid hormone to support a developing fetus as well as your expanded metabolic needs. Women with untreated hypothyroidism are more likely to have a miscarriage in the first trimester.

Causes of Hyperthyroidism:

Graves' disease, is an autoimmune disorder that causes the immune system to attack the thyroid gland. That prompts the thyroid to produce enough thyroid hormone. Graves' disease is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism.

Secondary causes include a family history of thyroid disease, and a personal history of certain chronic illnesses, including pernicious anemia and primary adrenal insufficiency.

Thyroid irregular periods treatment may involve medications to regulate the thyroid hormone levels and may include hormone therapy to balance estrogen and progesterone levels.

Symptoms of Hyperthyroidism:

It’s quite the same as Hypothyroidism, but let’s check out them again and know the additional as well:

*Losing weight without trying

*Fast heartbeat, irregular heartbeat

*Increased hunger

*Nervousness, anxiety and irritability



*Increased sensitivity to heat 

*Muscle weakness

*Brittle bones

*Changes in bowel patterns

*Tiredness and muscle weakness

*Pressure or pain in the eyes

*Goiter (Enlarged Thyroid Gland)

The Affect of Hyperthyroidism on Menstruation:

Hyperthyroidism, which is an overactive thyroid gland, can affect menstruation in several ways. The thyroid gland produces hormones that regulate metabolism, and when it is overactive, it can cause a variety of symptoms, including changes in menstrual cycles. Here are some ways that hyperthyroidism can affect menstruation:

1. Irregular periods: Hyperthyroidism can cause irregular menstrual cycles, which means that periods may be longer or shorter than usual or may occur more or less frequently.

2. Heavy bleeding: Women with hyperthyroidism may experience heavier bleeding during their periods.

3. Amenorrhea: In some cases, hyperthyroidism can cause amenorrhea, the absence of menstrual periods for several months.

4. Shortened luteal phase: The luteal phase is the second half of the menstrual cycle, which occurs after ovulation. Hyperthyroidism can cause a shortened luteal phase, which can lead to infertility.

5. Premenstrual syndrome (PMS): Women with hyperthyroidism may experience more severe PMS symptoms, including mood swings, bloating, and breast tenderness.

6. Endometriosis: This condition arises due to hyperthyroidism in which tissue that normally lines the uterus grows outside of it, causing painful periods and infertility.

It is important to note that other factors, such as stress or certain medications, can also affect menstrual cycles. If you have concerns about your menstrual cycles or other symptoms related to hyperthyroidism, you should talk to your healthcare provider for further evaluation and thyroid irregular periods treatment.

Lab Tests Every Woman Should Know

Most women must know about the TSH test that helps measure this hormone. But, along with that, I recommend a few more tests to keep a check on your hormonal levels, so that in case there are some issues, you can start with thyroid irregular periods treatment timely.

Here are the tests’ recommendations:

*Your body’s current inflammatory state

*How your immune system is doing

*If you are at risk for blood sugar or insulin levels

*If your hormones are balanced and supporting a healthier

*If you’re supporting your body’s heart, bone, brain and breast health.

You can get these for minimal cost and health for a lifetime. As soon as, you will be updated about your condition, you can consult your doctor about thyroid irregular periods treatment.

When to Talk to Your Doctor about Your Periods

The thyroid is the culprit behind your irregular period cycle. Thyroid irregular periods treatment is often required for women with hypothyroidism. To get your menstruation cycle on track, you must book an appointment with your healthcare provider.

At TruHealing, I deal with the root cause of the hormonal imbalance and work on your healthy lifestyle management from diet to detoxification to sleep patterns to stress management and activate a renewed enthusiasm for life.

With TruHealing She-To Method and Period Balance Program, I have helped innumerable women reinvent their lives with more positivity and happiness. My hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, and thyroid irregular periods treatments are curated on a customised basis and help you bring your hormonal health back on track.

To know more click https://www.truhealing.com/page/periodbalanceprogram

Because Finding balance in your hormones is the key to unlocking happiness and unleashing your full potential!

Frequently Asked Question about Menstruation Cycle

  • Yes, TSH (thyroid-stimulating hormone) can be involved in menstruation. It plays an important role in regulating your body’s hormones, including those involved in your menstrual cycle. When your thyroid hormone levels are imbalanced, it can impact the frequency, duration and intensity of your periods
  • Yes, thyroid dysfunction can cause irregular periods. It produces hormones that help regulate your menstrual cycle and when those hormones are imbalanced, it can disrupt your menstrual cycle and lead to irregular periods.
  • While a healthy diet can certainly support thyroid function and improve symptoms of thyroid disease, it is not typically considered a cure for thyroid disease. However, certain nutrients like – iodine, zinc and iron may be particularly important to maintain thyroid health
  • Weight gain, weight loss, hoarse voice, tiredness, constipation, puffy face, coarse hair and skin, sensitivity to cold, and increased/slowed heart rate are some of the early signs of thyroid problems. Women must consult with their health provider and start an effective thyroid irregular periods treatment.
  • A person with hyperthyroidism can get pregnant, but chances are quite less as hyperthyroidism impairs ovulation and prevents the ovum from descending the fallopian tube where sperm may fertilise them.

Originally published April 24, 2023

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