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Free Programs

Jumpstart to a Healthy You with FREE programs

If you’ve landed here, probably you were searching for authentic information on women’s health and expert ways to deal with various health problems that a women faces.

We understand you’re overwhelmed by the plethora of information out there in the web world. So, here I am to help you jump-start to a healthy you by availing free programs, which contains self-guided solutions and authentic information curated specially by me.

Dr. Disha Sridhar

Evaluate Your Health

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Harmone Harmony Guide

Sign up now and get instant access to Dr. Disha's HORMONE HARMONY GUIDE to understand the basic principles of Hormone balance.

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Food Guide

Download Dr. Disha's favourite Hormone balancing foods and Kickstart your journey into eating for Hormone balance. 

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Smart Girls Guide to Birth Control Pill

Contraceptive pills or birth control bills have really given the power to women to make a choice in her life. But with so many options in the market, what to choose and what not becomes a question mark. Not every type of pill is a good fit for every woman. With my free program, you will know what’s right for you and your bodies.

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Top 10 Ways to Boost Your Oxytocin

Oxytocin or the feel-good hormone not only it helps in labor, childbirth and breastfeeding, it also channelizes the feminine energy and balances your hormones. Download my free guide and my top tips on how to boost your oxytocin.

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Stages of Feminine Evolution

Having a fair understanding of your own feminine consciousness is important to claim your full potential. It evolves through certain stages and all of us go through them. We churn through various phases/stages initially like girl stage and warrior princess stage and then ascend to queen stage and goddess stage. So, embark with me on a journey of self-consciousness and spirituality.

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TruHealing SHE-TO Method

Secret Science of Staying Fit, Fab & Fertile even After 35

SHE-TO spelled as CHEA-TO is acronym I have created for women's nutrition principles.
C- Cyclic , H-Hormone Friendly, E- Eliminate Inflammatory Foods, A- Alkaline, TO- Mindful of Carbs.

Everything in this e-book is based on hard science and my experience of working with real women, Actually, many of them over 35!.  I‘ve used these methods on myself and on my clients who have  experienced below results. With this first-of-its-kind Hormone Program, you'll receive: Daily Emails and Inspirational Guidance from Dr. Disha .

  • Weight loss (tons effortlessly)
  • Better sleep with hot flashes and night sweats eliminated
  • Boosted energy and Libido
  • Dramatically improved memory, focus, and motivation
  • Hair growing where it belongs (and not where it doesn‘t)
  • Vanishing aches and pains
  • More beautiful skin and youthful appearance
  • A renewed enthusiasm for life
Download Fit, Fab & Fertile Guide

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This online community is for women who are seeking authentic information about fitness & want to start a healthy life. Get authentic tips and life transforming write-ups; connect with new like-minded women for motivation and many more.

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Get inspired by stories of transformation, success and health. Learn new recipes and receive my expert tips.

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Find Your Root Cause on My Blogs

Get rid of PMS for Good

I know you Know it: That crazy, irritable mood changes that you may go through just before your period week.

Tips For A Healthy Period

If you’re suffering from period cramps and PMS, you’re not alone. But do you know the truth? Period cramps aren’t normal

Hormones And Periods

So you exercise regularly, drink your green juice, and read all the best health news outlets. You should be absolutely healthy, right?

Stress and hormones are related – manage both!

IDear girlfriend, I know what you are going through … trying to balance work, relationships, kids etc., Read More

Endometriosis, Treatment for a better tomorrow

If you have suffered from endometriosis or seen your loved ones suffering, you already know how painful

For the Ovarian Cyst-erhood
– All you needed to know!

An ovarian cyst is certainly not pleasant and we hope that you never have one. We’re here with all the

TruHealing Paid Programs

Whether you want to take action on your own or need more specific guidance and support, we have a variety of solutions that will help you wherever you are in your hormonal health journey. Just like your diet should be based on your female biology, your healthcare should be tailored to your busy superwoman life. Truhealing offers a 360 degree of wellness care at all price levels so that you can understand your body and Hormone s and Balance them naturally.

Free Programs

I have created a lot of free content & e-books which will help you to take your first steps in resolving your issue.

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1-0-1 Private Coaching

Work 1-0-1 with me. I will hand hold you to adopt new
& healthy routines to heal your issues from root cause.

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Not Sure Which Program is Right For You

Do Not Worry Just Book An Appointment with Dr. Disha Sridhar and she will guide you appropriately.

What You Will Receive in Consultation:

  • Review of your medical history
  • Discussion of your symptoms
  • Prescription of blood tests to know the root cause of the problem
  • Interpretation of blood tests and correlation with your symptoms
  • Prescription of supplements
  • Options to choose if further holistic support required to improve your hormones.
Book An Appointment

NOTE: All consultations will be conducted exclusively online; no offline consultations available. Thank you for your understanding.

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