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Why Your PCOS Treatment May Not Be Working For You?

Since I was a teenager, it was clear to me that I wanted to become a Gynaecologist. I wanted an answer to my monthly suffering and a long term solution to my irregular painful periods, PMS and skin breakouts.

Dr Disha Sridhar

I am a Gynaecologist Obstetrician ( MD, DNB OBGYN )with an emphasis on INTEGRATIVE MEDICINE.

My dreams came true, and I finally became a Gynaecologist and got three postgraduate degrees in Gynaecology. I was doing well, and I thought I knew everything, but deep inside, I was not satisfied as I had not figured out the answer to my very question: why do I have to suffer from my period every month? I always had mild PCOS, and I was taking birth control pills off and on to mask my acne and regularise my cycle and painkillers to mask my period cramps. I was also prescribing the same to all my clients with similar issues.

Giving birth control pills and other medications to women to regulate their periods and manage their period pain is like masking the symptoms but not addressing why the sign is happening in the first place. It’s like putting a piece of tape over the flashing indicator light on your car's dashboard and pretending you have addressed the engine problem rather than looking under the hood and dealing with the underlying issue. As a board-certified Obstetrician/Gynecologist, I spent years and years indoctrinated into finding better and more sophisticated pieces of tape (in the form of drugs) to put over the indicator lights of women with hormonal imbalances. But deep down, I always knew there had to be a better way.

Then came the final storm in my mid-thirties when I was diagnosed with Autoimmune Thyroid disease and premature menopause. I was devastated, but little did I know that it was the best thing that ever happened to me. It forced me to take a break from whatever I was doing, including my OBGYN practice, and I decided to research integrative medicine, nutrition, supplements, and lifestyle bio hacks to ease my symptoms. Western medicine didn’t have the tools to address the root causes of chronic conditions like PCOS and Autoimmune Thyroid, so I decided to figure it out independently. My research into hormones, Epigenetics, and Nutrigenomics led to a rabbit hole of discoveries and this fun journey of taking charge of my health and life … my symptoms vanished naturally, and I could experience a healthy pregnancy in my 40s. After getting my life back, I made it my mission and passion to make the same solution available to like-minded women, and Truhealing was born.

 If you’re struggling with the same diagnosis, I’m here to tell you that weight issues, infertility, and permanent dependence on medications and synthetic hormones must not be your destiny. Even if fertility is not your concern, getting your Hormones balanced and aligning with your feminine energy and periods can improve your life.

In the last post, we saw that different PCOS might have other ROOT causes, and fixing it from the root could be the key. Here, we will discuss the prognosis and treatment in detail and why your actions may not work for you.


If you’re seeing a conventional doctor, you’ll probably hear the list of long-term complications that come with PCOS.

They may tell you that PCOS is incurable and may need long-term management with medications. (mainly prescribed are OC pill/ BC pill / synthetic oral contraceptive to “regulate” your period, Metformin, an oral diabetes medication used to control blood sugar levels and antibiotics, spironolactone to control acne if there’s any.).

As if this idea of long-term indefinite dependence on medications was not bad enough for you to digest, your Doctor may also tell you that you will have compromised fertility requiring ART like IUI and IVF.

Finally, if you think this suffering may end after childbearing, you may also be told you’re at an increased risk for diabetes, cancer, Autoimmune disease, heart disease, etc.…

How did that sound? I knew this when I was diagnosed and was told by countless Doctors I consulted then. When I shared with an endocrinologist that I didn’t want to sign up for this lifelong, endless medication roller coaster, he immediately advised that I could go on antidepressants as I was depressed about my future prognosis. That was when I stopped seeking others' opinions and started researching. After many years of research, trial, and error, I could reverse almost all of my symptoms and got the honour and privilege to help thousands of women.

Relax! It doesn’t have to be your future either; you can change your destiny!

If the above prognosis has been given to you are not alone. I understand your panic. Whatever your Doctor has told you is entirely accurate, but it’s not the end of the story. There’s a different path if you choose to take that. The other approach is about taking personal responsibility; it’s not easy, it’s not for everyone, and finally, whichever way you choose comes down to your belief system. But from my experience and what I’ve witnessed in so many of my clients, I can tell you that none of those, as mentioned above, scary forecasts of your future have to happen to you. You can change your destiny. You can even change your genetic expression, says EPIGENETICS.


We have an epidemic in the world of women’s health and hormones. The incidence of period problems, irregular periods, missing periods, cramps, PCOS, fibroids, endometriosis, infertility, and thyroid disease is rising. One of the underlying root causes behind most of these conditions is INSULIN RESISTANCE..read it here.

PCOS is a condition of estrogen dominance, which means that the Balance between estrogen and progesterone is disturbed… wreaking havoc on your menstrual cycle. Liver congestion and an unhealthy gut are not helping metabolize excess estrogen. The environmental chemicals, even in your cosmetics and cleaning supplies, are messing with your hormones, not to mention the pesticides and plastic s.


Now that you understand all the root causes, you may have understood that you must create a lifestyle around balancing hormones, and only popping pills may not help. 

The following steps of the TRUHEALING PROTOCOL will help.

Step 1: Balance Insulin.

Step 2: Balance Cortisol.

Step 3: Balance Estrogen.

Step 4: Balance Oxytocin.


SHETO METHOD is a specially-sequenced food and lifestyle therapy program that balances your endocrine function. If you want to dive deeper into the science behind the protocol, check the following links

Read My Blog on SHETO METHOD


To start feeling better, check the free resources I have created for you. I am not the only one who has used this to get my healthy regular period back; thousands of women all across the globe have benefitted from this knowledge.

Many of you can apply the above knowledge, but if you need more support and handholding, check 101 with Dr. Disha, a private coaching program.

Cheers to all the mothers!


Dr. Disha

Originally published July 14, 2021 by Dr Disha Sridhar

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